This month Jason went on a school trip to Cambodia and Singapore. It took me a few days to adjust to having him gone, and then a few days to adjust to having him back. It seems like he had a good time. When he finishes his entry for the monthly cousin blog we submit I'll post it on here. :) Kiki was my cuddle-buddy during his trip. It's funny how animals seem to know when you need company.

The spring has been going by quickly. We ran out of room (and potting containers) in the basement and ended up planting out our heirloom tomatoes shortly before Jason left (April 27th). Then while he was gone we had the most miserable cold weather you could imagine (at least for garden plants). My mother had told me "marigolds are hearty, that's why kindergardeners plant them"...and I found out that when you freeze them really good they curl up and die like you took a flame-thrower to them. My heirloom tomatoes were covered, but still look very abused. I only killed one, but it was a traumatic event since they are Jason's babies and I was doing my best to protect them from the elements while he was gone. I think the remaining group (12 of them) will manage to survive and thankfully the weather will be improving this week. I am including a picture of the sheltered basement tomatoes which were given out to Lee and Marion, and Garth and Maydene, along with a few of my co-workers (Laurie, Kristi, and Theresa) and look much better than the partially stunted outside crop I tortured. (The shoe in the following picture is a size reference)
Tomatoes (5.6.2010)
I have also been working on a few flowerbeds outdoors to spruce them up a bit. This is one of the back flowerbeds with the replacement marigolds already in. I plan to plant out some more things this weekend so next month there will be more new pictures. :)
Next week (the 21st) I have oral surgery to have a dental implant started. Long story short I still have a baby tooth that never had an adult tooth to replace it. After more than 26 years of valuable service this little guy is getting sort of bite-sensitive so it's time to get him out. The first step is taking out the baby-tooth and putting a post in my jaw. For about 4 months I will be missing a tooth...mostly I want to be like my daddy :) (For anyone who doesn't know he's been having some dental issues and is a few marbles....errrr....teeth short of a full set right now). In the meantime I've been joking about how I'm "getting an implant...that's right...just one".
In other news, work has been crummy and Jason and I both want knew jobs. Spring/summer fever is not helping me finish school and getting that done is still on my mind. That's all I have to say about that.
This past weekend I attended the wedding of Katie (Hamblin) and Weston Baxter (Baxter-cousins). Congrats to both of them! It gave me time to think: It was a year ago this weekend Jason and I got married. How quickly time does pass!
I hope you are all doing well. Be in touch!
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