Saturday, October 16, 2010

Some things you just can't post on the internet...

Happy Fall everyone!
As many of you who read my blog or talk to me frequently know, I haven't been too happy with my job lately. I have my annual review in a week or two, and I'm quite hopeful something will change very soon...however...there are just some things you can't post on the Internet. So inquire within, or stay tuned for next month's blog. :)
Last weekend I finally made the trip out to Vernal, UT with Jason to see where he's been going all these weekends to fulfill his hiking contract. It was borderline too cold to camp, so we got a hotel room and made a mini-date of the trip. It was fun to hang out and take a road trip with just the two of us again, which we did quite frequently while dating. Unfortunately this summer my work schedule and my booted foot didn't allow for too many outdoor adventures. Although the company was nice, the weather wasn't the greatest...overcast with occasional drizzle, breezy and 45 I only managed a couple reasonably pretty pictures.

We also witnessed a massive western cattle round-up. There were at least 7 cowboys on horses, 3 herding dogs, and a guy or two on ATVs. They had trailers with fresh horses so they could rotate them and not wear any of the animals out too badly. One guy we talked to by the side of the road who was somehow involved in the operation thought they were pushing 1500 cattle in groups of 2-300. There were some VERY happy dogs out working, and lots of frustrated cattle. I recently figured out how to make videos on here...which for some things will be very handy. Note the frustrated mooing in the next clip. ;)

VERY happy working dog. (Mike would be jealous)

This month I also finished off my dental implant process. I now have a shiny new tooth to replace the baby tooth that was giving up. It's a little different to clean around, but so far so good. I'm sure over time I won't even think about it anymore. If anyone is considering getting a dental implant done and has questions don't hesitate to ask. I thought it was an interesting process and had a really good experience. This is coming with someone who would prefer to be sedated to have her teeth cleaned. :)

Jason celebrated his 30th birthday on the 12th. It was really good, and very low key evening spent together after work...just as the two of us would prefer. Jason is still adjusting to working four 10's, which basically means he leaves the house shortly after 7am and returns shortly before 7pm. I've been trying to work four 9's so I can have a half-day Friday and we can spend a little more time together. I've also been trying to be better about making actual dinners after work so Jason doesn't end up fending for himself and not eating until 9pm. So far so good. This weekend is probably one of Jason's last caving/hiking adventures for the fall/winter. I'm looking forward to him being gone one weekend a month instead of three weekends per month. There's a list of house projects that's been set aside all summer while he was gone, so I'm hoping we'll be able to tackle those soon. (I only hope Jason is half as excited about these projects as I am).

Kiki had her 6 month vet checkup yesterday and everything was good. She's crashed out sleeping next to me on the futon as I write. Spending an afternoon at the vet is stressful for the poor dear, and I don't plan on seeing much of her awake any time today.

Congrats this month to Ben and Jackie, who may be getting married as I write this entry! Congrats to Uncle Harvey who recently celebrated his 80th birthday and to Leah who accidentally received her birthday card from me a month early...and was still a good sport. :) Kudos to Jesse who I've heard had a phenomenal marathon performance (won the race!?!...who does that?) :). I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for all my friends with new babies are getting enough sleep to function...keep posting the cute pictures...I love them!

I feel as though I missed some highlights this month, but I guess that's what next month is for.
Take Care Everyone!

ps. for anyone who hasn't stumbled across this link, I have another blog full of complete randomness. I think some of the recent posts are especially fun...and I figured out how to do videos. (Finally.)